I was in awe when I first laid eyes on little Kavir. And little is not even a good enough word to describe how incredibly tiny he was!
This little peanut was born at 35 weeks, so anxious to join his family in the great big world, and 2 weeks later was a tiny little lump on my bean bag getting his newborn photos done while his love-struck siblings ooh-ed and aww-ed over him, commenting on his tiny nose and fuzzy hair.
It's neat to think that even at 2 weeks old, Kavir was still technically supposed to be awaiting his grande entry. But here he was, scrunching up into poses on my bean bag and clearly taking on life in the outside world with comfort and calmness while I sat there, wide eyed and in awe at just how tiny he was.
Look at your arm and imagine a tiny little head that fits in the palm of your hand, and when you curl your fingers they overlap onto a tiny, wrinkly forehead. A tiny little back extends down your arm and ends just above your elbow, just small enough that two hands are necessary to keep this precious bundle from slipping out of the crook of your arm. He was THAT tiny. Barely 5lbs, and covered in fuzzy lanugo that had yet to be shed on account of his early arrival.
Needless to say, another little baby has stolen my heart and I enjoyed every single moment with this lovable little squirt and his beautiful family. <3